The Test Harness is the core frontend component and user interaction point for the HEBench project. It is built as part of the HEBench frontend and it is responsible for orchestrating the benchmarking operations, submiting and timing requests to backends, parsing user arguments and configurations, and outputting benchmark reports. It provides support for dynamically loading compatible HEBench backends and benchmarking supported tests.
For other frontend components refer to HEBench frontend overview .
The documents and pages listed in this section detail how to use the test harness, including how to run workloads for different backends, configure workloads, available command line options, etc. All HEBench users should become familiar with the features and functionality offered by Test Harness in order to facilitate the collection of benchmark results.
The documents and guides in this section detail how to extend the test harness. Including how to add new workloads, test categories, etc.
NOTE: Extending the Test Harness is an advanced topic. The primary usage for HEBench is expected to be the creation of backends and benchmarking them with the existing Test Harness.
This section is for advanced users that require other tests, workloads, or categories not currently supported by the Test Harness and API Bridge.