Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CWorkloadParamDefines a single workload parameter
 CWorkloadParamsSpecifies the parameters for a workload
 CCategoryParamsSpecifies parameters for a category
 CBenchmarkDescriptorDefines a benchmark test
 C_FlexibleDataStructure to contain flexible data
 CDataPackDefines a data package for an operation
 CDataPackCollectionDefines a collection of data packs
 CParameterIndexerIndexes a DataPack
 CBenchmarkDescriptionBase class for objects representing a specific benchmark based on an HEBench benchmark descriptor
 CBaseBenchmarkTop level opaque benchmark class
 CBenchmarkHandleBundles a benchmark and its description to cross the API Bridge as a handle
 CBaseEngineBase class that encapsulates common behavior of backend engines
 CITaggedObjectRepresents an object with a tag
 CEngineObjectHelper class to encapsulate objects that will cross the boundary of the API Bridge
 CEventTypeExtracts and maintains the timing report events of the same type
 CBenchmarkLatencyBase class for workload benchmarks in the latency category
 CBenchmarkOfflineBase class for workload benchmarks in the offline category
 CDataGeneratorHelperStatic helper class to generate vector data for all supported data types
 CIBenchmarkDescriptorBase interface for Benchmark Descriptors
 CPartialBenchmarkDescriptorProvides boilerplate implementation to common methods of interface IBenchmarkDescription and implements some mechanisms to ease implementation of the interface
 CIBenchmarkInterface for benchmarks
 CPartialBenchmarkBase class for benchmarks
 CPartialDataLoaderBase class for data loaders and data generators
 CBenchmarkConfigBrokerProvides facilities to configure the selection of benchmarks to run based on the supported workloads from a loaded backend