

A benchmark in HEBench is defined as the instantiation and execution of a workload. In a benchmark, values for all the workload parameters are specified, and input dataset for the operation input vector is given.

Benchmark Description

A benchmark test is defined by a Workload, a Category for said workload, a scheme for such Category, which inputs are plain text of cipher text, the security level for the scheme, and an extra parameter that is backend specific. A specific set of values for all these components describes a benchmark.


Defines the type of measuring methodology for a benchmark. For example, offline category measures throughput of a workload, as in how many operations per second can the implementation of the workload perform.

Category Parameter

A placeholder for a value that affects behavior of a category. For example, number of warm-up iterations is a parameter for latency category.

All category parameters must be specified in a benchmark description.


Encrypted data. The ideal encrypted data cannot be accessed without decryption into plaintext first.


Unencrypted data in native format for the underlying platform. In general, this data is held in memory in a format compatible with primitive C data types (int, long, float, double, etc.)


Encoded cleartext.

Raw data

Same as Cleartext.


An operation in HEBench is defined as a mapping of an input vector with n heterogeneous components (type of each component may be different) to a result vector of m heterogeneous components, where m and n are specifically defined for each workload operation.

(result_0, result_1, ..., result_m-1) = op(input_0, input_1, ..., input_n-1)


Assume the operation is scalar addition:

(result_0) = op+(input_0, input_1)

defined as

op+(input_0, input_1) = (input_0 + input_1) = (result_0)

and a concrete instantiation:

(5) = op+(2, 3)

In this case, the input vector has 2 components. First operand (or operation parameter) is input_0. Second operand is input_1. In the instantiation, (2, 3) is an input sample, 2 and 3 are the arguments (or component samples) corresponding to first and second operation parameters respectively.

The result vector has 1 component: result_0 is the first component of the result vector. (5) is a result sample where 5 is a component sample of the result sample.

By these definitions, the component batch size for each component in the input vector can differ. The batch size is the multiplication of the component batch size for all components of the input vector.

By the definition of operation, in contrast to the component batch sizes in the input, the number of samples per component of the result vector is the same, and it equals the batch size.


A component sample for the input vector.


A collection of samples for the input vector.

Batch size

Number of samples in a batch.

(Vector) Component

See operation.

Component Batch

A collection of samples for a component of a vector.

Component Batch Size

Number of component samples in a component batch.

Component Sample

A concrete value of a component of either input or result vectors.


A collection of input samples for an operation. Sometimes, it also refers to a collection containing both, input samples and matching expected output samples for an operation.

Input Dataset

Same as Dataset.

Input Batch

A subset of samples from the input dataset (with repeating elements allowed).


A component of the input vector.

Operation Parameter

Same as Operand.


A concrete value of either input or result (also known as output) vectors. A sample is made up of component samples, one per component.

Input sample, result (or output) sample.


A workload in HEBench is defined as an operation, along with the dataset of inputs for the operation, parameters, and other specifications for all the workload components.

Workload Parameter

Flexible placeholder for a value that affects the behavior of a workload.