▼Nhebench | |
▼NAPIBridge | |
CWorkloadParam | Defines a single workload parameter |
CWorkloadParams | Specifies the parameters for a workload |
CCategoryParams | Specifies parameters for a category |
CBenchmarkDescriptor | Defines a benchmark test |
C_FlexibleData | Structure to contain flexible data |
CDataPack | Defines a data package for an operation |
CDataPackCollection | Defines a collection of data packs |
CParameterIndexer | Indexes a DataPack |
CWorkloadParam.__unnamed5__ | |
CCategoryParams.__unnamed7__ | |
CCategoryParams.__unnamed7__.latency | |
CCategoryParams.__unnamed7__.offline | |
▼Ncpp | |
►NWorkloadParams | |
CBenchmarkDescription | Base class for objects representing a specific benchmark based on an HEBench benchmark descriptor |
CBaseBenchmark | Top level opaque benchmark class |
CBenchmarkHandle | Bundles a benchmark and its description to cross the API Bridge as a handle |
CBaseEngine | Base class that encapsulates common behavior of backend engines |
CITaggedObject | Represents an object with a tag |
CEngineObject | Helper class to encapsulate objects that will cross the boundary of the API Bridge |
CHEBenchError | |
▼NDataLoader | |
CExternalDataset | |
CExternalDatasetLoader | |
CEDLHelper | |
CEDLTypedHelper | |
▼NReportGen | |
►NCompiler | |
►Ncpp | |
C_TimingReportEventC | |
C_UnitPrefix | |
COverviewHeader | |
CStatisticsResult | |
CReportEventTypeStats | |
CReportStats | |
CEventType | Extracts and maintains the timing report events of the same type |
CTimingReportImpl | |
▼NTestHarness | |
►NBenchmarkDescription | |
►NDotProduct | |
►NEltwiseAdd | |
►NEltwiseMult | |
►NGenericWL | |
►NLogisticRegression | |
►NMatrixMultiply | |
►NSimpleSetIntersection | |
►CPartialBenchmarkCategory | |
CBenchmarkLatency | Base class for workload benchmarks in the latency category |
CBenchmarkOffline | Base class for workload benchmarks in the offline category |
CDataLoaderCompute | |
CDataGeneratorHelper | Static helper class to generate vector data for all supported data types |
CBenchmarkFactory | |
CEngine | |
►CIBenchmarkDescriptor | Base interface for Benchmark Descriptors |
►CPartialBenchmarkDescriptor | Provides boilerplate implementation to common methods of interface IBenchmarkDescription and implements some mechanisms to ease implementation of the interface |
►CIBenchmark | Interface for benchmarks |
►CPartialBenchmark | Base class for benchmarks |
►CIDataLoader | |
CPartialDataLoader | Base class for data loaders and data generators |
CPartialDataLoaderHelper | |
▼NUtilities | |
CBenchmarkRequest | |
CBenchmarkSession | |
►CBenchmarkConfigLoader | |
CBenchmarkConfigBroker | Provides facilities to configure the selection of benchmarks to run based on the supported workloads from a loaded backend |
CRandomGenerator | |
CTimingReportEx | |
CConfigExporterImpl | |
CConfigImporterImpl | |
CProgramConfig |